Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Girlfriend...

So, I've been away for a while, obviously...since I haven't been posting...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Now then, as I said, I've been away...visiting my girlfriend, Gethrugb (I mentioned her before) and her family (shudder). I love Gethrugb, I really do, it's just that sometimes she can be...overwhelming...that and she's here right now, which is why I'm whispering into this talk and type program instead of talking full volume...which of course you couldn't have known unless I told you...which I just...oh crap here she comes...shhh
Cruggy? Cruggy?...Oh, there you are honeybean fungiebear, what are you doing Cruggypoo?
I'm trying to write woman, now let me type would you...and stop calling me Cruggypoo, it's demeaning
No it's not Cruggypoo, it's lovable and heartwarming, just like you
Hey, don't hug me with that...OWWWW...HOT HOT HOT HOT HO-
Cruggypoo, are you alright, I'm sorry I forgot I had it in my hand
Towel...TOWEL NOW...haaaa hot hot
Here you go Cruggypoo, I'm really sorry
Ow ow ow...and I told you not to call me is NOT lovable, it is demeaning
Oh, it is not, it's nice and cuddly and happy I a nice and cuddly and happy person?
Yes, your so cuddly I could just smother you with huggzez and kisses and...
What what?
You think I'm cuddly?
Yeah, your just a cuddly little teddybear
... .... ..... You can't be serious
Why not?
... .... .....Because I set your father on fire when he corrected my planting procedures
But that was just lovable fun Cruggypoo, he went out after he jumped in the river
not because I did anything
but you didn't stop him
... .... .....I'm lovable because I didn't stop my father in law from jumping in a river to save his own life
... .... .....Would you go so I can finish writing my blog
Huhhh...fine Cruggypoo, have fun with your little computer word thing
Why am I dating this girl...oh yeah...I remember...she's the only girl I could find...maybe I should go to a gym. Anyway, have a great week everyone, that was my girlfriend.

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